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Farm Small Farm Smart

Jan 31, 2020

Entrepreneurship 101:

Why You Will Fail, Flail, and Falter & How You Can Succeed In Spite of It (A 25+ Part Series)

Episode #3: It Might Not Be a Fit Now


Each week on 15 FOR LIFE I cover one simple business lesson to carry forward for life.  

When your business runs better and smoother, your life runs better and...

Jan 27, 2020

How much should you be making as an owner/operator of a small scale farm?

Of course, context is important - but where should the center of the bell curve lay?

Heath Emerson recently made an Instagram posing this question. In this episode, he talks about that post and also discusses some of the details of the practical...

Jan 24, 2020

Entrepreneurship 101:

Why You Will Fail, Flail, and Falter & How You Can Succeed In Spite of It (A 25+ Part Series)

Episode #2:  Not Knowing What You Really Want


Each week on 15 FOR LIFE I cover one simple business lesson to carry forward for life.  

When your business runs better and smoother, your life runs better...

Jan 20, 2020

What does running a small farm really look like from a business perspective?  How much money can you make, how much work is it, and what does your lifestyle look like?  This episode was inspired by an Instagram post put up by Taylor Mendell who talks to us about answering these questions.

Taylor runs a small roughly...

Jan 17, 2020

Entrepreneurship 101:

Why You Will Fail, Flail, and Falter & How You Can Succeed In Spite of It (A 25+ Part Series)

Episode #1:  Introduction and The Reality of Luck


Each week on 15 FOR LIFE I cover one simple business lesson to carry forward for life.  

When your business runs better and smoother, your life...