Sep 16, 2020
The pandemic brought about several restaurant closures, and that does not spell well for the farmers supplying them. But like many things in life, it's the tough times that bring out the best in people.
Today, we’re talking to farmer Adam Pollack of Closed Loop Farms in...
Sep 9, 2020
Jessica Washkowiak from Field to Fork Farm joins me to talk about why she loves the CSA business model for their farm. We also discuss how they run their CSA, manage crop diversity, and how they market their CSA.
Field to Fork Farm
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Sep 2, 2020
The owner of Mumm's Sprouting Seeds, Lisa Mumm, joins Chris Thoreau and me to talk about how Mumm's sources high-quality microgreen seeds. Most of those seeds are sourced locally in Saskatchewan. Lisa also details their extensive procedures that ensure that all of the seed they sell is pathogen-free.
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