Apr 24, 2020
Entrepreneurship 101:
Why You Will Fail, Flail, and Falter & How You Can Succeed In Spite of It (A 25+ Part Series)
Episode #11: Failure to Keep Records
Each week on 15 FOR LIFE I cover one simple business lesson to carry forward for life.
When your business runs better and smoother, your life runs better and...
Apr 20, 2020
Katherine Creswell of Moose Meadow Farm joins me to talk about why they started their online store. Their online store brings in $15,000 of additional farm income during the winter when there aren't any other sales options locally.
Follow them at:
Apr 17, 2020
Today we’re talking to John Findlay, who raises mushrooms on his farm in Ontario, Canada. He raises them locally to sell to farmer’s markets and chefs. He’s had a lot of success, and in this episode, he’s going to share what his journey has been like. From expenses to techniques, and even a discussion on what it...
Apr 13, 2020
Max Becher and Mike Roberts of Farmivore join me to talk about how they are aggregating products and selling them online in their farm store using Shopify.
Follow Farmivore:
Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small...
Apr 10, 2020
Today we interview Troy and Cindy Dickens of Tilth and Timber farm in MA. They are only a few months into their journey.
We discuss how they got into farming and what their challenges have been so far. What about their lifestyle changed when they dropped corporate income for farm income? And what is their vision of...