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Farm Small Farm Smart

Jan 31, 2018

Darren Vollmar of Ledgeview Gardens in Green Bay, Wisconsin joins me to talk about why they grow vegetables hydroponically and what it takes to do so.

Ledgeview Gardens:

Website -

Instagram -

Jan 24, 2018

Microgreen grower and local seed advocate Chris Thoreau and I talk about local seed - the challenges of it, what that means, and how practical it is.
Learn how Chris grows microgreens in his online course:

Listen to past episodes at:

Jan 17, 2018

AJ Zaycheck of Spin Cities Farm joins me to talk about what his first year in farming was really like.  He also shares a lot of tips on what helped make the farm profitable in year one - from selling to time management.
Follow AJ on Facebook:

Listen to past episodes at:

Jan 10, 2018

Jodi Roebuck of Roebuck farm discusses how he has incorporated Grow Biointensive practices into his market garden.  Techniques include compost, mulching with tarps, and the importance of deep soil.

Listen to past episodes at:


Jan 3, 2018

Benny and Courtney Pino join me to talk about their journey into small scale vegetable farming and why that journey shifted to growing flowers.

Follow Loblolly Farm on Instagram:

Listen to past episodes at:

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